Due Diligence of local partners




Client: La Chaîne de l'Espoir

Date:  December 2018

Duration: 15 days

Deliverables: due diligence report, recommendations, action plan

We conducted a due diligence mission of 3 local partners of the International NGO “The Chain of Hope” as part of an AFD funding for a project entitled “Prevention and Integrated Management of Children with Noma and Facial Pathologies and Deformities in Burkina Faso “.


The main objective was to conduct a due diligence of the 3 local implementing partners of The Chain of Hope and to provide reasonable assurance that the organizations had the capacity to execute the AFD project.

The audit focused on several pillars:

1- Governance and internal control

Including legal status, governance team, approach to risk management, fraud and corruption etc.

2- Ability to deliver

Including past experiences, resources, performance evaluation etc.

3- Financial stability

Including financial management, resource utilization, documentation processes , financial policies and procedures, etc.